Wednesday 27 August 2008

Barack Obama - Fox News Bars Conservative Ad

Despite its reputation as a conservative political weapons platform, Fox News Channel has turned down an ad by American Issues Project, a conservative nonprofit group, that attacks Barack Obama's connection to William Ayers, a extremity of the radical Weatherman group during the Vietnam War epoch. The Associated Press reported Thursday that a Fox News interpreter had confirmed that the news distribution channel had declined to play the ad but would not say why. The ad includes the transmission line, "Why would Barack Obama be friends with individual who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it? Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama?" Obama has previously said that he deplored Ayers's actions during the '60s and that by the clock time he met him he was a University of Illinois prof. He aforementioned he had served on a circuit card with him that also included "Republicans, bankers, lawyers."


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